Industry Insights
Industry Insights
Friddy Hoegener
30 July 2019
When it’s time to bring in an extra candidate or two, you’ll want to bring in the best possible person – that’s a given. Sometimes there will be positions available that can be filled by fresh-faced, inexperienced and keen individuals because of the fairly low-level job. For the most part, however, you’re going to need the brightest guy or girl with all of the right hallmarks. Going through the entire recruitment process might be something you’d find fun and rewarding, but many businessmen and women like to opt for help. This is where recruitment agencies come in.
Agencies work in a couple of folds. You’ve probably personally used one or contemplating using one when you’ve been looking for a job. They get to know you pretty well, look through your resume and attempt to find your ideal job. It’s a fabulous, simple, and speedy way of getting you into a new job that would suit you down to the ground. Businesses also like to work with recruitment agencies as they’re a fantastic way of locating the right candidates. They act as a kind of middle-man in this whole ordeal.
So let’s say you’re looking for new employees. Why would you bother using an agency? It will cost you, after all, as they are providing a service for you. Well, let’s go through a few reasons as to why getting in touch with a firm like this would be a great idea.
It Saves Time
The whole process of recruiting extra candidates into your workplace can be a bit of a tedious endeavor – especially if you’re looking to bring in someone for a significant, well-paid position. They’re going to have to be the perfect person, so the preparation could be really time-consuming. Even if it’s not a tedious affair, you’re wasting time on this task when you could be doing something more productive.
Letting an entirely different group of people handle this task could save you a lot of time as well as a lot of stress. Allow yourself to get on with the work you have in front of you and let them call you up when they find some potential hopefuls!
They’ll Provide Quality Candidates
Because of the way they operate and the number of companies they have as contacts, they’ll be able to pigeonhole the correct people into the correct type of career. If you’re looking for someone to work in your admin department, then they’ll put forward people that have the specific skills required for it. They’re not going to give you a labourer with limited desk job experience.
They’ll also make sure that they are the best. You’re going to be paying them, so they’ll be sure to provide quality. They won’t want to hand a poor candidate over to you; you may not want to use their agency again otherwise!
They’re Experienced In This Stuff
They’ve been there and done it more times than you can count. If they weren’t good at finding the right people for a specific purpose, then they wouldn’t be around anymore. An agencies entire reason for existing is to get A to B accurately and smoothly. It’s a basic transition, and they’ve done it thousands of times. They can be trusted.
Friddy Hoegener
30 July 2019