Industry Insights
Industry Insights
Friddy Hoegener
01 March 2018
The robots are coming; the robots are coming! If you're in the human resource field, that's actually good news, as it means one thing: Artificial intelligence, or AI, recruitment technology is on the way to save the day.
Research shows that the number of jobs that require AI skills has skyrocketed four-and-a-half times since 2013.
AI is here to stay, and if you're not taking advantage of it to hire the best workers out there, you and your company may quickly go the way of the dodo bird.
Here's a rundown of how advancements in AI recruitment technology could make your job easier as a recruiter.
Let's get started!
As you comb through a collection of candidate resumes in search of the best future employee, you face a major dilemma: What terms should you be using in your searches?
After all, your No. 1 goal is to find a candidate who matches what you're looking for. And that's important no matter what terms candidates utilize to describe all of their skills and experience.
The problem is recruiters, sourcers, job candidates and organizations use different terms when describing job titles, responsibilities, roles and goals.
In other words, there's a major data problem.
This is where AI can be an immense help. With AI, it may become easier to generate search results that more accurately align with what you're looking for in a certain job position.
AI may also help with determining when and how your company's human resource professionals need assistance with their individual workloads.
For instance, machine learning technology might determine which recruiter on a team has too many high- or medium-risk requisitions, which may require extra resources or time to fill.
In other words, human resource managers may be able to more proactively shift workloads around or obtain extra recruiters to ensure that workloads stay as balanced as possible.
Imagine being able to look at a job candidate and predict how he or she will perform in a role.
It's a concept known as reverse-engineering "candidate fit." And it's what many forward-thinking human resource professionals are doing thanks to the availability of AI recruitment technology.
According to this concept, you're essentially leveraging recruitment technology to locate the most appropriate candidate.
This involves first gathering the resumes, past work and performance reviews of successful current employees and then plugging this information into a certain algorithm.
The algorithm will then tell you exactly what you should be looking for in your next employee.
Ideally, every company would have the ability to produce algorithms that are customized for their unique needs. After all, an employee who succeeds in one organization may not be the "perfect" employee at another company based on his or her particular expertise, traits, and skills.
The more fitting your hires are for your company, the less likely you are to experience expensive employee turnover. And your company's bottom line will benefit as a result.
Job postings that go unfilled can be a major drain on your organization's productivity.
Why not tap into something that the healthcare industry has been doing for a while with the help of technology: survival analysis?
Survival analysis refers to the process of analyzing how much time may pass before a patient experiences death or a disease, for example.
In the same way, in human resources, it may be possible for you to estimate how long it will take to fill a certain role based on a number of factors. These factors include the number of candidates obtained and job market data.
The goal of this is to determine whether certain job roles will be harder or more time-consuming to fill.
In these situations, perhaps more resources could go toward filling these roles early on, rather than waiting and possibly not delivering the right candidates -- or taking too long to do so.
Conventional methods of seeking job candidates feature yet another inherent challenge: "dark matter."
Dark matter is just another way of describing all of the job candidates you don't see and thus are excluding from your job search.
In other words, you're searching for only the best candidates of the easiest ones to find.
To unearth that diamond-in-the-rough candidate, you may need to dig a little deeper than you have been. And that's what AI can help with.
This candidate may not look like an A+ candidate at the outset; for instance, maybe his resume does not seem relevant. But he might have leadership experience and soft skills your company desperately needs.
This might seem a bit oxymoronic, but AI recruitment technology may help you to focus more on your recruiting process's human element, not just on the titles, facts and figures you see on paper.
After all, you're dealing with "human" resources. Time to put the "human" back in recruiting with the help of AI.
AI is quickly evolving, as it evolves, your company's recruiting process can evolve, too.
That's because AI recruitment technology can speed up your hiring process and ensure results that are more relevant for your organization.
This certainly allows you to operate in a more lean fashion and to save money as a result.
But it also frees up your time so that you can concentrate more on connecting with your job candidates. In turn, you can interact more with them and finally get them on the payroll.
We offer top-of-the-line recruiting help so that you don't have to be bogged down with trying to find the right candidates on your own.
What makes us stand out? We offer a wealth of experience in operations and supply chains with the goal of delivering excellent results to our partner companies.
Get in touch with us to find out more about how we can help you to secure the best job candidates for your company's needs in 2018 and beyond.
Friddy Hoegener
01 March 2018