Industry Insights
Industry Insights
Friddy Hoegener
05 May 2020
If you want your team to feel valued, then now is the time for you to show them. It doesn’t take a lot of effort but if you do make some changes now, this can really work in your favor.
Go Above and Beyond
The first thing you need to do is go above and beyond to personally help your team. It’s no longer enough for you to just help your team with work-related issues. After all, a great leader will always keep their eyes open so that they can help their team with personal issues too. If you feel as though some members of your team are going through a difficult time, then show them your support, give them some time off work or ask them how you can help. If you do this then they will appreciate it, and they will see you as a better and a stronger leader.
Relate to Them
Never act like you are above your team. If you have ever worked somewhere where all of the executives have their very own parking space, then you will know first-hand how frustrating this can be. You may feel as though you are not cared about unless you work higher up in the company and this can have a huge impact on your confidence.
Be There for Them
If someone in your team complains that a client is treating them badly then you need to try and investigate the situation and if necessary, let the client go. If you have a talented employee who knows that you have their back, then they will put the work in and they will also care for your company much more as a result.
Do Things that Set you Apart
Being creative with your perks will go a long way with your team. It does not have to cost you a small fortune either. Just show that you care and that you want to give them rewards that they genuinely care about. For example, if you know that one of your team members is really into playing guitar then consider offering them a year’s worth of guitar subscription magazines. When you do, you will soon find that it is easier than ever for you to gain their trust.
Make Time for Them
It can be hard for your team to feel appreciated when the leader is far too busy for a simple chat. Make time for your team and ask them about how they feel about certain aspects of the company. For example, are they happy with the company car they have? If you work on a golf course, do they like the way the carts operate? If not then find more here about upgrading your carts.
Of course, if you want to try and make your team feel more valued then another way for you to do that would be for you to have an employee of the month award, or for you to enter your highest-performing employees into a prize draw at the end of the year.
Friddy Hoegener
05 May 2020