Industry Insights
Industry Insights
Industry Insights
Friddy Hoegener
09 May 2019
There aren’t many people amongst us that wouldn’t say yes when asked ‘Would you like a better-paid job that is more satisfying?’. However, a well paid and satisfying job requires a commitment from you, whether it’s putting in the hours to achieve the qualifications required, or learning how to convince an employer you’re their ideal candidate.
When you consider that the Bureau of Labour Statistics says we average over 9000 hours per year at work, it really is a massive part of our lives and one that it’s well worth putting a little effort in to ensure we’re doing something we love.
There are countless ways you can improve your career prospects. Below we’ll be sharing proven strategies that help you to maximize your career potential and achieve your goals.
The benefits of volunteer work are far-reaching. It can be a great way to gain relevant experience in a new industry. Selecting the right volunteer role can really make your CV stand out from the crowd when you’re applying for a role. As well as gaining experience, you’ll meet like-minded individuals and start building a network of relevant contacts in a positive scenario.
Volunteer work also says a lot about you as an individual. It tells a prospective employer that you’re selfless and motivated. It also shows you’re dependable and not afraid to get stuck in.
There are many ways you can work smarter, not just harder. Tweaking a few of your habits and your routine can increase your productivity greatly. It’s also an investment in yourself for the future, helping you to develop positive habits that will stand you in good stead wherever you’re working.
Eliminating procrastination is one of the most effective ways to become more productive. Many people will claim to work better under pressure or at the last minute, but really, this is just an excuse to justify procrastination. There are countless tools out there to help you overcome procrastination; you just need to find the one that works best for you. Reducing procrastination won’t just make you more productive, but it will also help you to remain more focused and on the ball.
Whether you’re up-skilling within your existing profession or switching to a completely new industry, skills are important. Training gives you a great opportunity to increase your knowledge about your chosen profession, build a clearer picture of what your new role will be like, and start to learn the essential skills you’ll need to be more attractive to potential employers.
Nearly every course is available through distance learning. You can work part time or full time. There are countless institutions and options, so there is no excuse. Whether you’re training to be a computer engineer or undertaking medical assistant training, you’ll find a way to fit it around your existing commitments. If you want to do it, you can.
Most of us think we are pretty good communicators. However, most of us would also benefit from spending some time consciously improving our communication skills. The ability to communicate clearly is crucial in the workplace. Whether you’re talking over the phone, using Skype, or chairing a meeting in the boardroom, talking clearly and with confidence will help you shine.
Learning to be a more effective communicator will also help you to stand out during job interviews. It doesn’t matter how good a CV looks if you keep looking at your shoes and mumble a lot. Projecting confidence will help you to make the best possible first impression.
For many people, this is as much about learning how to expand their network, as actually expanding their network. Word of mouth and the right place at the right time are still two of the most effective ways to land your dream role. The best way to increase your chances is to make sure you’re as well known in your target area as possible, and you’re in as many places as possible, even if only in the thoughts of others.
If you already use a schedule to keep things organized this will be a natural step for you. However, an effective plan needs to be far more comprehensive and over a much longer period. Think in the region of 3 to 5 years.
The easiest way is to start by writing where you want to be at the end of the allotted time period. Once you have a starting point and an end goal, you can start plotting the path you’ll need to take to get from one point to another.
Each significant step should be broken down into smaller goals. The more regularly you have targets to hit the less likely you are to procrastinate or fall behind. If you do it right, it’s simply a matter of keeping your head down and ticking off the boxes as you progress towards your goal.
If you struggle with self-promotion or do very little outside of your minimum required hours at work, then a change of mindset could help you. It’s easy to fall into an employee mindset where we make the minimum required effort in order to extract our wage packet each week or month.
However, if you start viewing your career more like a business, as a self-employed person would, then suddenly your level of success is directly related to your effort and attainment. Making the extra effort to become more efficient, learn new skills, and generally be as good as you can within your space, suddenly makes a whole lot more sense.
Whether you’re completing changing your role, or simply trying to climb the ladder, mindset is everything. Having the right attitude and learning the required skills will ensure you’re in the running as new doors open. It also makes the new doors a lot easier to find. A small amount of effort on areas like communication and presentation can have a huge overall impact.
Friddy Hoegener
09 May 2019